“ShopSmart” magazine just ran a nationwide survey asking women about their underwear, and here’s what they found out . . .
The average woman owns 21 pairs of underwear. 10% own more than 35 pairs.
27% say that wearing a pair of underwear that’s unattractive or doesn’t fit well can RUIN THEIR DAY.
47% of women say they feel sexier and more confident wearing a nice or special pair of underwear.
65% of women mostly have “boring” colors of underwear. White is the most common, followed by black and beige.
46% of women say BRIEFS are their most common underwear style. But for women 18 to 34, BIKINI is the most common style.
56% of women fold their underwear, 27% toss them in a drawer.
And finally, 10% of women say they regularly leave the house without wearing any underwear.